A milestone, more than just another year: in 2023, in fact, Achille Pinto celebrated its first 90 years in business.
The company, founded in 1933 by visionary Achille Pinto, is now run by the brothers Uliassi, heirs of third generation, who carry on their grandfather’s work guided by the same values, with the capacity To read the present and interpret the future. “The company grows together and thanks at people who are part of,” as is very often repeated within the walls of Achilles Pinto.

This important milestone is sealed by the beginning of an artistic exchange with another story of entrepreneurship, that of Fornasetti, a Milanese design and decorative arts atelier recognized throughout the world for its unique figurative language and the artisanal quality of its his creations.
Mutual respect and the sharing of important values led Achille Pinto and Fornasetti to a dialogue full of imagination. The attention to a constant innovative drive, which embraces not only technique but also thought for the benefit of craftsmanship, and attention to detail combined with a great passion, thus become the common thread of two great stories of creativity such as those of Pinto and Fornasetti. A creativity that the two Italian realities, animated by a profound spirit of research, have decided to sublimate, exploring each other’s visual archives, a constant source of inspiration and ideas, in a mix of dreamlike, colorful and ironic languages.
Between historical references and future visions, the unmistakable stylistic signature of Fornasetti’s decorative language and Achille Pinto’s masterful savoir-faire have given birth to a 90×90 celebratory scarf, an ambivalent reminder of the object’s measurements and celebratory anniversary.
A unique object, in a limited edition, and not available for sale, will mark the milestone of these first 90 years of activity with the aim of projecting the guiding spirit of the charismatic Achille Pinto into the next nine decades. A scarf on which the Fornasetti “Bella Donna Imperiale” decoration is imprinted. The face, depicted and framed in a handmade floral design, is the one taken from the “Theme and Variations” series, inspired by the opera singer Lina Cavalieri, entertainer of the major theaters in Europe in the last century, from the San Carlo in Naples to the Folies Bergère in Paris. Portrait by Giovanni Bodini and defined by Gabriele D’Annunzio as “the greatest testimony of Venus on Earth”, she also counts Piero Fornasetti among her admirers.
The element of graphic connection between Pinto and Fornasetti is in this Folies case the bee, the company logo chosen from the very beginning by founder Achille Pinto, a symbol of tenacity and industriousness, (recently renovated by the Berlin-based graphic design studio Bureau Borsche ) and at the same time, element that has always had its own evocative power, In Fornasetti’s stylistic alphabet.
The vast portfolio of fabrics produced by Pinto enjoys the largest certifications and in the goal of system-building, collaborating with other like-minded entities to convey at better efforts, exchange know-how and set practical goals, Achille Pinto is a member of the Sustainable Fiber Alliance from 2020, and is affiliated with the Better Cotton Initiative platform.

Giampiero Cozzi
When they ask me where I live, I answer “in Casnate”, because I spend more time here than at home. I joined the company in 2000 with the responsibility of developing the Emporio Pinto. Then I undertook the commercial path, working my way up in the company until I discovered Pierre Louis Mascia brand. For this I have to thank Matteo, a continuous source of learning and confrontation. For me, this place is like a family that faces new challenges together every day. The greatest reward? Having revolutionized an entire market, creating something totally new.
Luca Faccini
I joined the company in 1994, left in 2003, but the lure of this place was such that I returned in 2005. What is unique about this place? I have seen the whole evolution. The original Achille Pinto was a small and compact group, the owners worked in the same offices as the employees, and there was no difference between those who ordered and those who worked. In its 2.0 version the company was structured and compartments were created. Today, we have reached a phase of specialization, but that desire to team up remains. A desire of which Matteo is an undisputed example: he is a helpful, flexible, generous person, also because in this reality we continue to work as a team.
Michela Tavecchio
I joined the company in 2018 after a decade spent in the banking sector focusing on companies. It was during this period that I got to know Achille Pinto. Initially Matteo and Paolo both reserved aroused awe in me. Therefore, it was quite surprising when Matteo unexpectedly offered me a job in the company, considering that my experience was in other areas. In an attempt to discourage him, I even mentioned my intention to become a mother in the short term, but Matteo’s response was anything but obvious, reassuring me that it was no problem for him. Joining the company was, without a doubt, the best decision of my life, after the arrival of my son, of course.
Fiorella Bianchini (retired)
I joined this company in 1988 and I will soon retire. When I started here, Mr. Mario Uliassi led the company. His figure exuded authority, even though he was very kind but we’re talking about different times where we addressed each other on a formal note. I started when the telex was still in use and you would type on the machine and a strip of paper would come out and it looked like it was written in braille. I have seen the company grow, continually renew itself, increase pace and speed. Who’s to thank for this? Paolo and Matteo, who looked ahead and beyond. A result achieved without ever penalizing employees. They were revolutionaries, and they managed to do it, while remaining human. There is no better result.
Andrea Rossi
I have been working in Achille Pinto since 2021 after ten years of experience, primarily in financial companies. In these first 3 years, it has been truly gratifying and stimulating to work with Paolo and Matteo, entrepreneurs who have successfully expanded the company in terms of results, brand and organization, overcoming extraordinary challenges with determination and vision – such as the Covid pandemic, the surge in raw material and energy costs, and market changes. My personal challenge is to continue leveraging my experience and expertise to contribute to further developing the company because I believe that growth and dynamism are the only “stability” to pursue for entrepreneurs, for the company and for its employees.

Antonella Cairoli
I arrived here 27 years ago, in 1996, initially on an internship as a switchboard operator while I was attending the University of Languages at the Cattolica in Milan. Then when I graduated and had the chance to work with Paolo in the commercial department, I grabbed the opportunity. What if I had other opportunities? I didn’t even look for them, because here I have everything I need. I’ve seen the property grow, and deep down, I feel like I’ve grown up with them.
Gabriele Bianchi
I’ve been here for so long that perhaps the exact date escapes my memory: it was 1987 when I entered freshly graduating as a chemical expert. I had an opportunity to change company in 1998, I had already signed, but the company was going through a transition phase. Matteo and Paolo had recently taken over, and I couldn’t leave them alone, I felt the duty to give them a hand, at least for a short time. And so the short period turned into more than 35 years. Over time, this place became my home. I often changed jobs, going from printer to color kitchen manager and, subsequently, to be responsible for the dyeing room. When we switched to digital printing, no one in our district seemed to believe it: innovations can be scary, but the business evolution we have experienced and the thought of having played a leading role in our story make me proud to work here by Achille Pinto.
Barbara Armuzzi
I arrived in 1994, and I never left despite having considered some other opportunities over time. I was afraid of becoming fossilized, of being trapped in a single position. However, over the years, the company has experienced such significant growth that it sometimes feels like it has changed jobs. The current challenges are different than at the beginning, but what I am proud of are the results we have achieved together. 29 years of seniority, 348 months of dedication, 10,585 days of “style” have passed. Today, what is this company for me? Having two owners who are still young and dynamic.
Egidio Fasana
It was 2016 and I had been working for a long time in a company that produced textiles for working clothing, household linen and furnishings. I had an interview with Paolo Uliassi and I immediately liked his approach: even though he was considering whether to employ me or not, we never really talked about work. Even though the company is more structured now, we still have a direct line of communication with the company, as it follows an old way of doing business that doesn’t solely focus on numbers but cherishes values and visions and listens with an open heart. And when you forget about this, the outside world is there to remind you, as there is nothing but utmost admiration that comes from the outside towards Achille Pinto. Sometimes you can have a clearer look at something if you see it through someone else’s eyes.
Cesare Cigolini
I spent 10 years as a commercial partner and subsequently another 15 years in the Pinto group, taking on the role of manager of product development in the wool textile sector. A path of professional and personal growth between Biella and Como, which led me to collaborate with a dynamic, transversal and innovative team in the fascinating world of wool, cashmere and silk.
Stefano Luraschi
Achille Pinto acquired a small weaving mill in Colverde in 2016 and another in Biella in 2020. In 2021, after some experiences in notable weaving mills in Como, I was called by Matteo to join the Pinto group with the aim of growing the weaving and yarn-dyed department, trying to integrate various types of products (fabrics for clothing, ties, scarves, furnishings). Today, three years later, Matteo and Paolo’s intuition has proven successful, transforming weaving activities into a crucial part of the group’s development, and I am proud to have contributed to this successful bet.
Francesca Arcari
Being an archivist means taking care of historical memory, but also having an eye on tomorrow, because past, present and future are and will be the strength of this company which has celebrated its 90th anniversary. When I archive a handmade drawing, a hat, an ancient book, I think of those who took care of every single detail before me and I am proud, but I also feel the responsibility of this handover and therefore I undertake to always carry out everything with professionalism and passion. In these 90 years Achille Pinto has managed to merge ingenuity, passion and humanity into a single soul, thus giving life to a beautiful working reality.